If you’re leaving your home because you’re moving away to a new one or you’re traveling for an extended amount of time, you might be considering different storage options. At Eagle Crossing Self Storage, you can be sure that your items are safe and secure, and with a climate-controlled unit, your belongings will have an extra layer of protection from any potential harm. When you’re moving, you can use that extra protection to ensure that all of your belongings stay in order and ready to move into your new home whenever you need them. If you’re traveling for a while and using your home as a rental for additional income, keeping the items that are most important to you safe and secure is key to peace of mind while you explore the world.

Moving or Traveling? Here's Why You Should Rent a Storage Unit

Accomodate Any Potential Delays
When you store your items during a move or before you travel, you have more flexibility in your schedule than you would if you have to get things moving in a single day. From delays with paperwork to delays due to weather or even personal emergencies, getting a storage unit to prepare for leaving your home is a great way to keep yourself from having to ask friends or family if you can keep your belongings at their home, or worse, keeping them in a moving van and hoping that it doesn’t get broken into. Because your items will be in one, secure location, you can also focus on getting back on schedule without having to worry about where you’re going to put your things in the meantime.

Helps You Take Inventory
When you move or rent out your home while you travel, you’re essentially packing up your life and putting it into a new space. This provides you an excellent opportunity to take stock of everything that you own and potentially pare down some of the unnecessary items. Instead of having to worry about doing that in your old home before you move, or doing it in a brand new home, your storage space provides you a great interim so you can take inventory of what you want or don’t want and simplify the moving process. If you’re storing your home’s items in preparation for traveling, you have a better opportunity to decide which items you want to store and which items you want to keep in your home while you’re away, too. A storage space is a safe and secure place to ensure that your belongings are right where you need them when you need them!

Keep Your Valuables Safe
Of course, safety is always top of mind when you’re moving or leaving your belongings behind. At Eagel Crossing Self Storage, we take the security of our units and your belongings very seriously, and we have multiple layers of protection on our facility. What that means for you is that while you’re moving, you don’t have to worry about someone breaking into a moving truck or into a new, unprotected home before you set up security. Instead, you have a secure place to keep everything that means the most to you while you get locks changed, security systems in place, and anything else you need to do for your new home. If you’re traveling and renting your home out, a storage unit is the perfect solution for ensuring that your valuables are secure while you’re not there to keep an eye on them.

Can Become A Useful Long-Term Solution
Of course, one of the best reasons to rent a storage unit is that it can become and extremely useful solution for storing the things you love and things you need. Whether you’re storing family heirlooms that you want to keep safe while they’re stored or you’re keeping additional furniture for use in your home on special occasions, having a storage unit can be helpful at any time during your life.
Learn more about Eagle Crossing Self Storage solutions for your moving or traveling storage needs today!