Hosting parties, inviting friends and family to big holiday gatherings, and throwing elaborate soirees are all great ways to connect with everyone you love and create lasting memories for yourself and others. However, if you host a lot of these different types of events, you likely have a lot of decor, party supplies, and accessories that need to be stored away once everyone else has gone home. If you’re running low on storage at your home, or simply want a better way to organize and store all of your essential party supplies, a storage unit at Eagle Crossing Self Storage is a great solution! Here are four tips on how to keep your party supplies organized and stored so hosting is always a breeze.

Love to Entertain? Storage Tips For Party Supplies

Separate Into Themes or Categories
If you’re a committed party organizer and host for all of your family’s events or your friend group’s parties, you likely have more than a couple of themes for your decorations. Organizing and storing effectively is easier when you can group like-items together, so our first suggestion is to separate everything into easily manageable categories. These categories can be anything you choose, so play around with organizing by theme or holiday (think boxes of items for halloween, christmas, new year) or try organizing by type of item so you have boxes of cutlery, boxes of wreaths, and boxes of decor.

Keep Things Protected
You’ve likely spent more than a couple of dollars on your decor, and you’ll want to protect the investment you made on your items while you store them. We recommend storing your entertaining decor and accessories in clear, durable totes or tubs that have locking lids. With the locking lids, you can be sure that everything you store in these containers will stay in those containers, even if they tip or are shifted around. Clear containers are our top recommendation so that you can easily see everything you have, even when these containers are stacked or potentially blocking your labels.

Make Lists
Of course, any party host knows the value of making lists! When it comes to storing your items, making lists can help keep everything organized and serve as a kind of inventory for all of the accessories you’re going to be storing. Start by listing out which items need to be stored versus which items need to be kept readily accessible to ensure that you’re not placing everyday use items in storage, and from there, you can make lists of your organizational tasks, such as if certain items need to be wrapped with paper or bubble wrap, or if there are items you’d like to get rid of instead of store.

Store In A Designated Storage Unit
Last but not least, storing your party decorations, holiday themed items, and all the accessories you use to create a beautiful entertainment space means that you need room to ensure these items are all safely tucked away. Utilizing a storage unit is a great way to keep everything you need for entertaining safe, organized, and ready to use when your next party is on the horizon! If you have climate-sensitive items to store, such as candles that can melt in the heat, or art that may warp in extreme temperatures, your best choice is to use a climate-controlled unit so everything is safe from the elements, too!
At Eagle Crossing Self Storage, we’re committed to helping party hosts, family event planners, and soiree enthusiasts the storage space you need to create an amazing experience for your friends and family. We have the climate-controlled units you need, and multiple sizes of units to ensure that everything you need is safe and secure. Learn more about our units and contact us today!